NIMBUS is an interactive desk lamp in the shape of a cloud. To create NIMBUS I used an arduino and NeoPixels to make the lamp light up, paper lanterns for the cloud form, polyfill to make it look more like a cloud, and lastly 1/8" plywood for the box design. I started off by gluing the paper lanterns together to create the desired shape and then cutting holes to where the lanterns were completely connected. After that I started working on adding the polyfill by using hot glue and adding a handful at a time. Then, I started working on the code to have the NeoPixels light up the cloud. Lastly, I laser cut the plywood to create a box for the base of the lamp. The reason for the creation of NIMBUS is a creative style for a desk lamp and to help me get more acclimated to creating a product in a short amount of time. This project was meaningful because it helped me in figuring out my speed and ability in creating a project with a time constraint.

